Thursday, 23 August 2012

Emails and Marketing Communications

Our last informative post right here guys! Upset?   I knew it...

Afew weeks ago, I signed up to receive the Olympics and WWRY E-letters. They are pretty much emails that get sent directly to you so you can keep up to date with current affairs, gossip or even get promotional offers (such as half price tickets etc). Emails are a from of direct marketing; a new way of marketing communications brought on because the vast majority who use the internet. Here's a couple of screen shots of what they looked like.

Most websites have a 'Join Here' option, so its usually easy to find what you're looking for. Also, the Olympics had a choice of what updates I wanted to receive. I clicked on most of them; I like to get the down low on it :)         Below is a screen shot of what they have sent me over the past few weeks
I apologise for the appalling quality, and the random bits in-between, but here are 4 emails sent from the Olympics, straight to my web address. Each one has it's own unique nature; one informs me of what disturbances there are on the underground, one offers me a chance to attend the after show party, one is a shop where I can purchase merchandise, and one is offering me more news letters.

What a great mix! I had a look around the online shop, and it is really great. It has t-shirts, wrist bands, programmes, hats, mugs, coins and CUDDLY TOYS all with free post and packaging!!!!!!   If that doesn't give you something to spend your bank balance on, then what will!? 

You may be thinking 'where are the We Will Rock You ones?'   well fellow readers, they didn't send any :(
I know! not even one email from them telling me anything. Just left me all alone. I'm thinking after all these years of sending emails for money off and updates, they have given up. Naughty!

An improvement would be just send an email every now and then, let the public know that they are still alive and kicking. Give a discount ticket every now and then, or a competition to excite the fans. Something.

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