Ok, again we are going to look at the search engine optimization, but this time of We Will Rock You. So here we go, type 'We Will Rock You' into Google and...
BAM! You got yourself some great SEO. Can you see that!? They've got Theatrepeople.com selling their tickets, then Boxoffice.co.uk doing the same thing, then a direct sponsored link to their website! But then just on the natural search, they have their website anyway, so I'm thinking, why would they pay for it when it comes up as No.1 in the first place? Wow, it seems as though these people really want to be seen. But hey, two ticket sales and two instant links is good enough for me. Now to assess their front page.
Here it is, the home page of WWRY. Well again, it has their logo in the top left and an altering picture in the middle. This one is more arty than the Olympics, don't you think? It's got the stage lights on the top, with a glowing crowd in the back. A metallic search bar stands out nicely, but with a lack of things to look for. Compared to the Olympics home page, it had choices, discussions and tables all neatly set out. But, having a look at this one, it is rather bland. Don't get me wrong, the design is great, but there is a lack of... information. The home page has a couple of small paragraphs about the story line, which can also be found on 'Show' on the bar. It has an option to buy tickets, which is always handy. But, that is it. There's no information. There's no discussion points. It doesn't even say where the venue is, unless you scroll down and see 'Dominion Theatre' in tiny writing. Besides from the fancy lay-out and a 'Facebook like' option, there's really not much going on. It's like a Ferrari without an engine; its great to look at but still bloody useless.
Having a website is like a virtual presence; if people need information, they visit a website, simples! It's what everybody does. And with the rise of smartphones and tablets, websites are easier to access. Mintel's studies show that 44% of internet users use a smart phone, and 17% use a tablet. So, We Will Rock You kinda need to improve their website. Especially compared to the Olympics. A lot of thought and direction had been put into theirs, but WWRY are trying to disguise their lack of help with pretty lights and fancy boarders. NOT UP IN HERE!
You my friend, have been assessed
You my friend, have been assessed
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